These strange times, do not mean no beach vacation this winter!

IRE Vacations | Vacation Rentals in St. Maarten/St. Martin – Experience the Caribbean


Sure, it has been a weird past couple of months. This pandemic has put on hold many of our plans. From simple things like going to class, to not being able to go on that much needed vacation, our lives have gotten complicated and stressful.

Sint Maarten and St Martin has had it’s fair share of ups and downs through these times. What has kept us in high spirits? The island itself – our beautiful beaches, the luxuriant nature surrounding us and our resilient strenght – nurtured by Irma in 2017 and a few others not to be named ;o)

These strange times, do not mean no beach vacation this winter!

Winter is coming, the temperature will soon be dropping and many of you will wish to escape to warmer latitudes. You’ll inquire as to availability of a property, look at the prices of flights, do research on where to get tested AND receive your results within the 5 mandated days to finally, not book. I can understand why; It is a lot of stress for a week’s vacation. But imagine if you were to stay for longer than your usual week. Would that make the hassle worth it in the end?

Many villas understand that week stays are harder to arrange and are willing to re-adjust prices to welcome you anywhere from that 1 week stay, to 6 month or more. With the widespread of working from home, home can be… anywhere in the world and St Maarten would like to be your home for this winter.